Diamond ECES 2018
The Early Career Engineering School is specifically aimed at engineers who are new to a career in Light Sources.
Over the course of five days, attendees covered topics such as how to define systems requirements, system design and integration, CE marking, the applications of 3D printing; as well as more specific technical issues sus as vibration, heat transfer and thermal stability.
Outline how X-rays are focused and parameters that are used to define the X-ray beam
Describe the major components in an X-ray beamline
List the technical challenges when designing a major component in an X-ray beamline
Give examples of different types of detectors and their characteristics
Requirements definition
Outline some methods in determining the system requirements
Define the types of parameters used to produce a requirements document
Give examples of methods of cooling optical components and state their advantages and disadvantages
Show how to calculate cryogenic thermal heat transfer and expansion problems
Describe the challenges in improving the stability of systems and identify methods of measurement
Compare the suitability of ball bearings, air bearing and flexures for different rotation applications
Justify the choice of actuation systems
Manufacture and installation
Give examples of different alignment and survey equipment and outline the advantages of each method
Recognise in which situations 3D printing of components could be an advantage.
Summarise what the CE marking procedure is and list some of the applicable directives